A website to promote, manage the allocation of survey plots and provide printable maps for the Sussex Ornithological Society 2024 Corn Bunting Survey. The website includes fiunctionality to display results at the end of the fieldwork season. Mapping functionality was developed using the Ordnance Survey Maps API.
A website to promote, manage the allocation of survey plots and provide printable maps for the Hampshire Ornithological Society 2024 New Forest Woodlark Survey, with additional functionality to display summary results. Mapping functionality was developed using the Ordnance Survey Maps API.
A website to promote, manage the allocation of survey plots and provide printable maps for the Kent Ornithological Society 2023 Nightingale Survey. Additional fiunctionality is provided to display results at the end of the fieldwork season. Mapping functionality was developed using the Ordnance Survey Maps API.
A website to promote, manage the allocation of survey plots and provide printable maps for the Hampshire Ornithological Society 2023 Dartford Warbler Survey, with additional functionality to display summary results. Mapping functionality was developed using the Ordnance Survey Maps API.
A redesign and redevelopment of an existing website. New functionality included an online bird records submission and reporting system, with highlighting of unusual species and mapping functionality using Google maps.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting in Joomla.
A website to provide information on the North West England Gull Project, which studies, through colour marking, breeding large gulls at several sites in Cumbria and Lancashire. It includes data-driven maps of bird movements (recoveries) and a system to manage the reporting and provision of feedback regarding re-sightings of these birds. This is achieved using a purpose-built Joomla component that can easily be deployed to other similar projects.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla Content Management System.
A website to provide information on the activities of the Devon and Cornwall Ringing Group, which studies, through colour marking, shorebirds primarily on the Exe Estuary in South Devon. It includes data-driven maps of bird movements (recoveries) using a purpose-built Joomla component.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla Content Management System.
A website to provide information on the activities of the Southern Colour Ringing Group, which studies, through colour marking, various wild bird species in London, Essex and Hertfordshire. It includes data-driven maps of bird movements (recoveries) using a purpose-built Joomla component.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla Content Management System.
A complete redesign and refresh of the Lundy Field Society website. Includes a bespoke Joomla component to display and manage an extensive bibliography and the index of Journal and Annual Reports.
Designed and developed in Joomla by Garganey Consulting.
A responsive website for Stancliffe & Glover, fine art agents and valuers. It features a gallery of notable sales.
Designed by LTD Design Consultants and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla! content management system.
A re-designed website for the Elizabeth Street Veterinary Clinic in Belgravia to advertise their services and contact details.
Designed by LTD Design Consultants and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla! content management system.
A responsive website for Michael Lee, a chartered surveyor specialising in providing advice to a broad spectrum of clients on valuation, surveying and property management.
Relying heavily on stunning imagery, this website uses some innovative approaches to page layout and behaviour.
Designed by LTD Design Consultants and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla! content management system.
Maps of the distribution and abundance of birds in Wiltshire derived from two periods of fieldwork carried out by members of the Wiltshire Ornithological Society in collaboration with the BTO; 1995-2000 and 2007-2012.
Developed by Garganey Consulting in Joomla to match the existing website design.
A website to promote the study of woodpeckers across the UK. In particular it aims to provide support for birdwatchers in locating Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers and provides the means to record breeding success to help in the conservation of this declining species.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting using Joomla.
A redesign and restructuring of an previous website to improve the consistency of navigation, provide better event management, add search functionality for trip reports and articles, and generally modernise the user experience.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting in Joomla.
An online atlas of bird distibution and abundance across Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Hertfordshire. It brings together the results of a number of projects which together provide information on changes in the distribution of the breeding birds of over 9000 square kilometres of inland southern England.
In addition to distribution maps from 1968 to 2013, the website makes use of CEH Land Use datasets to offer the visitor the opportunity to relate the occurrence pattern of of birds with particular habitats.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting in Joomla.
A website to display results from a county-wide mammal, amphibian and reptile distribution atlas project organised by the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, starting in 2015. Based on a similar project for the bird distribution, it presents "dot" maps for each species, lists of species for each 2km x 2km (tetrad) survey unit and supporting resources.
A refresh of an existing website to tidy up the structure, add functionality and improve the biological data records submission process.
Designed by LTD Design Consultants and developed by Garganey Consulting in Drupal to make use of the Indicia interface for records submission to the National Biodiveristy Network.
A website for the Migrant Landbird Study Group, a collaboration between professional and amateur ornithological researchers, studying migrant landbirds to inform conservation action within a global context.
Key features include a project map, and member registration and subscription support.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla! content management system.
An online Catchment Management Plan for ten sections of the River Lea and its tributaries in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Greater London. Commissioned by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust in association with Groundwork and Thames21 whose roles as 'catchment hosts' is to organize and co-ordinate the many different projects, and drive the Catchment Plan forward.
Key features of the website are the maps of the catchment sections which provide an overview of the status of each project and drill-down functionality to reveal the detailed project information including the full description, timings, project partners and contact details.
Designed by LTD Design Consultants and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla! content management system.
This website was commissioned by the Glamorgan Bird Club to display bird distribution and breeding status information for atlas projects carried out between 1968 and 2012 in East Glamorgan.
The website was designed and developed by Garganey Consulting using Perl, HTML and CSS.
A website to provide up-to-date information on projects on the catchments of the River Colne and its tributaries and distributaries in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Greater London. Commissioned by Groundwork South on behalf of the ColneCAN Partnership.
Key features of the website are the maps of each catchment providing access to information about projects being undertaken to address the six aims of the partnership.
Designed by LTD Design Consultants and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla! content management system.
A website to attract members and advertise the activities of the Banbury Ornithological Society; a group that studies the bird life surrounding Banbury including parts of Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire and Warwickshire.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla! content management system
This website was commissioned by the Cornwall Birds (CBWPS) to display relative abundance and breeding status information for the Cornwall Bird Atlas project. In addition to the maps, it allows for species accounts to be added as these are written.
The website was designed and developed by Garganey Consulting using PHP, HTML and CSS.
A website to encourage the study of Woodcock distribution and migration through ringing. It includes news, a photo gallery, an ageing guide and a list of recoveries. It makes use of Google static maps to provide maps of Woodcock ringing and recovery locations.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting.
A website to communicate the activities of the North Thames Gull Group, who are studying the gulls utilising the landfill tips along the banks of the Thames Estuary, east of London. This study is being carried out by catching the birds with a cannon net and marking them with individually numbered metal rings and field-readable plastic colour rings.
A complete list of recovery and colour ring re-sighting information is provided with cumulative life-history maps for each bird and photographs where these have generously been provided by the observers. A gallery of in-the-hand photographs is provided as a guide to ageing the larger gulls.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting in Perl, utilising XML and mySQL for data storage.
A website to display results from a county-wide bird distribution atlas project organised by the Herts Bird Club between 2007 and 2012. It includes "dot" maps for each species, lists for each 2km x 2km (tetrad) survey unit and supporting resources. Historical data from previous projects is included for comparison.
The Herts Bird Club received the 2012 Marsh Award for Local Ornithology for this website, being the first to place its local atlas results on-line. "The Hertfordshire site is exceptional and is a precursor as to how many local Atlases will be undertaken and reported in the future."
The website was originally developed by Chris Dee prior to the formation of Garganey Consulting, using Perl, HTML4 and CSS. It was revised in 2015 to include additional map types and restyled to align the design with the published Birds of Hertfordshire.
Sherrardspark Wood is an outstanding example of sessile oak and hornbeam woodland. This website was commissioned by the Sherrardspark Wood Wardens Society to publicise their work monitoring the wildlife in the wood and managing the vegetation to re-establish its historic character. In addition to the public pages there is a members only section for communicating about future activties and distributing newsletters.
Designed and developed by Garganey Consulting using the Joomla! content management system.